Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Butterflies Galore! : Blue Nawab

Butterflies Galore!
The Blue Nawab (Polyura schreiber tisamenus)

The Blue Nawab is a moderately rare species in Singapore. It is, however, widely distributed and is as often seen in urban parks and gardens as well as the forested nature reserves. Its caterpillars feed on a variety of host plants that include the Rambutan, Red Saga, and even the invasive non-native tree, Australian Wattle. Usually alert and skittish, the Blue Nawab is a strong flyer and is not easy to photograph.

Featuring two pairs of thick pointed tails, the Blue Nawab is a dark velvety black above with a light blue band across both wings. The underside is silvery white, marked with brown and purple-blue patterns. This rare open winged shot of a recently eclosed individual was photographed by ButterflyCircle member Koh Cher Hern.

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