Friday, August 9, 2013

Flight of Fancy @ GB

Flight of Fancy Photography Exhibition
ButterflyCircle @ Gardens by the Bay

A photography exhibition showcasing the biodiversity at Gardens by the Bay was launched on 1 Aug 2013. This exhibition features the work of many individuals who have captured the beauty of birds, butterflies and dragonflies at Gardens by the Bay. Despite being an urban park with man-made structures, Gardens by the Bay is still rich in biodiversity, and this exhibition captures the variety of beautiful flying creatures that have made the Gardens home.

ButterflyCircle members Sunny Chir, Chng CK, Huang CJ, Khew SK, Loke PF, Nelson Ong, Ellen Tan, Anthony Wong & Mark Wong contributed their photographs to make up part of the exhibition of 50 panels. A commemorative $2 stamp was also issued to feature the biodiversity of Gardens by the Bay.

ButterflyCircle member Chng CK stands proudly beside his masterpiece!

The Flight of Fancy Exhibition is held at the Lion Grove of Gardens by the Bay along the sheltered corridor where some of the more popular F&B outlets are located. Do visit the exhibition to see the awesome biodiversity of GB and also ButterflyCircle members' works!  All images were shot on-site at Gardens by the Bay.  

© Poster by Gardens by the Bay

ButterflyCircle would also like to take this opportunity to wish all Singaporeans a Happy 48th Birthday! Majulah Singapura!!!

1 comment:

Bluebottle said...

Looks beautiful! I must check it out soon.