The Plain Plushblue (Flos apidanus saturatus)

Amongst the four Flos species that are extant in Singapore, this species, the Plain Plushblue is the most widespread and often encountered. It is moderately common and can be found in the forested reserves as well as in urban parks and gardens. The underside of the Plain Plushblue is purple brown with the usual cryptic markings. There is a small deep red patch at the base of the wings.The hindwing bears a white-tipped tail at vein two of the hindwing and is toothed at veins 1b and 3.
This individual was photographed by young ButterflyCircle member Jonathan Soong on Labour Day. The butterfly was one of many that were out and about feeding on the ripened fruits of the Singapore Rhododendron. The photo shows the Plain Plushblue resting on the fruit capsule of the plant in between feeds.
Where was that picture taken? When is the best time to take pictures of butterflies?
Karwendel, this blog is about Butterflies of Singapore, so unless otherwise stated, all shots are taken in Singapore. Butterflies are active from 7:30am onwards till evening but the ideal time is from 9:00 to about 2:00 pm
I was actually asking where in Singapore the picture was taken :)
Thank you for the useful information, Commander!
You are welcome. We don't normally divulge the information on the exact locations unless you are a member of ButterflyCircle's forums and are known to the members there.
Oh okay ): I was just wondering where it was taken so I may be able to visit those places and see some butterflies. This blog shows so many gorgeous butterflies in Singapore, and yet I've no idea where to find them. I was lucky enough to spot a Painted Jezebel in school, and that was the only butterfly I've seen in months.
How may I become a member of the forum? I don't think I know anyone actually.
Thanks anyways!
Ah... still schooling eh? You're welcome to join us. Register with a name of your choice and validate your email address, and jump on board! :)
Yes, I am still in secondary school. Hopefully, I'll get to see some butterflies in real life, not just on the internet! Yay, thank you very much! :D
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