Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Random Gallery - The Lemon Emigrant

Random Butterfly Gallery
The Lemon Emigrant (Catopsilia pomona pomona)

The Lemon Emigrant is a common butterfly in Singapore, and can often be seen even in urban areas flying at its erratic and powerful speeds.  As the caterpillars of this species feed on several urban roadside species of Senna, it is widely distributed across Singapore from the city pocket parks to the nature reserves.  The Lemon Emigrant is polymorphic and occurs in at least seven different forms.

Photographed here, is a male form-hilaria one of the relatively common forms of the Lemon Emigrant.  It is predominantly lime green, with the distinctive red-ringed silver cell spots.  On the upperside, there is a thin black border on the forewings.  In parks and gardens, Lantana is one of the favourite nectaring plants of the Lemon Emigrant.


Andrea said...

Hello Commander, I am not as shy anymore as before in commenting here, because i feel like i've known you already, haha! You mean they have at least 7 forms! That's a lot. I love them when they almost simultaneously emerge because they lay eggs almost simultaneously too when the golden shower is shooting profusely after pruning.

Commander said...

Hi Andrea! Yes, both males and females have different forms - some more common whilst others are rarer. And you are most welcome to post comments here, so post away!! :)

Nick Morgan said...

Fantastic web site Commander! I love reading about the different butterflies you have there and noting how they take the place of similar species found in other parts of the world. I am familiar with the African Migrant, Catopsillia florella, the female of which also has white or yellow forms.

Commander said...

Thanks, Nick, for always popping in to visit. Yes, it's interesting to see similarities, yet differences amongst the associated species around the world. :)